Come join as we explore and keep our desert clean and safe. All events are free unless otherwise noted.
Taste of the Desert, Feb. 26 , 2025 10 a.m. to noon at the Community Center Banquet Room, 160 N Valentine St. $15 per person payable by check or cash at the door. Learn about the desert's bounty of plants, how to identify and harvest them, and how they can be used to make delicious foods. Samples of 10 or more desert foods provided. Hands on activities. Space is limited.
Mesquite Festival April 19, 2025 8 a.m. - noon at the Hassayampa River Preserve Free admission. Educational and fun for all ages. Discover all that the "Tree of Life" has to offer. Seminars: 9:30 - 10 a.m. - Mesquite, the "Tree of Life" 10:15 - 10:45 a.m. - Health Benefits of Mesquite 11:00 - 11:30 a.m. - Mesquite in the Kitchen
RECREATIONAL AREA CLEANUPS Staging area is at the BLM Box Canyon trailhead, 1/4 mile past the 2nd river crossing on Rincon Road, unless otherwise noted. Monthly recreational cleanups: 3/22 @ 8 a.m. 4/26 @ 8 a.m. 5/31 @ 8 a.m. Garbage bags, pick sticks, latex gloves, buckets and reflective vests provided. Bring work gloves and water. Organizations/businesses are needed to sponsor monthly cleanups. No funding is required, sponsors recruit 5 or more volunteers. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Sophie's Flat Trail Maintenance Start times: 8 -11 a.m. Dates TBD Meet at the trailhead on Blue Tank Rd. 1-1/4 mile from Constellation Rd. Help clear brush and groom trails. Wear clothes and shoes suitable for gardening. Bring gloves and water. Some tools provided but bring loppers, rakes and shovels if you have them.